While finding what we truly love to do, believing in ourselves is a hard task to accomplish. We all have written down those “new year, new me” goals on a piece of paper, envisioning how our life will transform itself.
Somehow, behind all those inspiring future accomplishments, there is one thing we tend to run away from: fear.
Daring greatly, being curious, and finding our true purpose are tools for growth. Yet, when our inner fear comes to play, we tend to choose safety.
How can we then explore and embrace the challenges life has to offer with no fear?
Here are two empowering steps from our dear guest Alina Buteica:
1. You need a clear vision
When we write our goals, we tend to be less specific. Why? Because it scares us if the goals we are setting are far from attainable in that present moment.
What if instead, we set up a clear direction? If we need guidance on how to do so, we should seek advice. We tend to forget that it is okay to ask for help.
If your goal is to get a job within the next 3 months, be extra specific on exactly what role, company type, and industry you are looking for. Clarity is gold!
2. Don’t play small.
This is the right time for having extraordinary dreams. A time for showing up for yourself.
Are you afraid of disappointing someone? Don’t be.
Are you afraid of letting yourself down? Embrace these emotions and let them drive you. After all, failure is a contributor to growth.
Ride the wave of your life and dream bigger. Fear is not your enemy.